30 Nisan 2011 Cumartesi


ACİL! LUKSEMBURG'ta 1 Nisan Onaylı Projeye Gönüllü Arıyoruz.


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Yolande asbl / Institut St Joseph Betzdorf

Accreditation Host organisation, Co-ordinating organisation
Location Betzdorf (Luxembourg)
Theme 1 Disability
Theme 2 Art and culture

Project environment Project environment: profile of the organisation and local community
The Institut St. Joseph (ISJ) Betzdorf offers residential, occupational and working facilities for people with learning disabilities and / or severe multiple handicaps.
Respecting the Christian tradition of the institution and its residents, a multi professional team is facing the varying social challenges by modern special educational and / or therapeutic approaches.
Today, more than 100 residents, including children, adults and elderly, live in the ISJ Betzdorf in family like, residential units from 8 to 10 persons. Two of these 14 residential units are located in external communities, one in Esch s/Alzette, one in Niederanven.
Self-determination and normalization are major goals of the ISJ Betzdorf. Assisted by the staff and according to individual possibilities, the residents take part in every day life.

A day center [which includes special working structures (soap production, recycling team, cleaning and laundry services, cooking and catering services), the therapeutic and creative atelier, musical therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, residential day groups] provides occupational and work facilities for the residents and offers a great variety of activities meeting the special needs of both residents or external attendants.
Together with the "Réimecher Heem" in Remich, the ISJ Betzdorf is part of the Yolande a.s.b.l., a provider of social facilities for people with learning disabilities and / or multiple handicap within the CSSE.
In 2007 the EVS volunteers rearranged the former lunchroom into a meeting place for inhabitants, staff members and friends of the institution. Now it's called "Unser TREFF.punkt" or in luxemburgish "Eisen TREFF.punkt" and is used for playing, relaxing, reading, cinema, party, disco or creative activities. The future volunteers are asked to carry on this project and to assure regular opening hours.
We are very motivated to let our children and youngsters meet youngsters from other European countries, with different language and different culture. It's a great chance to learn more about Europe and the nations of this continent.

At the moment there are three housing groups in which mainly young people find a home. In the housing groups Deckelsmouken, Madagascar and Laetitia are living young people with low to high need in assistance. The educational tasks are based on the everyday life and the life practise within the housing groups.
Everyone is individually supported by pedagogists and nurses who respect and construct the configuration of his personal living space, the structuralisation of his environment as well as the planning and realization of activities within and beyond the housing group. This includes the area of the leisure activities and contains activities on the weekends and in the school holidays.

Luxemburg is a country with less than 500.000 inhabitants. It is located in the heart of Europe between Belgium, Germany and France. The activities of the "Institut St. Joseph" take place in Betzdorf, a little village near the german border. Luxemburg-City is reachable by train or car in only 20 minutes, major cities like Bruxelles, Paris or Cologne are less than 3 hours away. The spoken language is Luxemburgish. French and German are official languages too. Luxemburg has a very nice landscape with areas at the river Mosel or the well-known "Luxemburger Schweiz" with great opportunities for walking and climbing.

Proposed activities for EVS volunteers

MAIN ACTIVITIES:The volunteer will be involved in the everyday life of a housing group for mental-handicapped children and youngsters. This includes social and educative activities and the assisting of children with personal care needs. The daily tasks will give the volunteer an insight into the live of young disabled people living in an institution. The volunteer will have a regular and constant exchange with the members of the staff and will take part in regular meetings concerning the tasks of the team. Educators will be permanently present and ready to support the volunteer in his/her request.
There are a lot of different cultures living in Luxemburg. In the Institut St. Joseph we have handicapped people from many European nations. Our youngsters are very interested in the European idea.
PROJECT ACTIVITIES:In 2007 two volunteers rearranged the former lunchroom to a meeting place for inhabitants, staff members and friends of the institution. Now it's called "Unser TREFF.punkt" or in luxemburgish "Eisen TREFF.punkt" and is used for playing, relaxing, reading, cinema, party, disco or creative activities. The future volunteers are asked to carry on this project and to assure regular opening hours.
In addition every volunteer is welcome to workout and run an own project and will have our support. He / she will have the opportunity to plan individual activities for some of our youngsters.
LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES:The volunteer will have the opportunity to gain insight in the daily life of handicapped youngsters. The possibility to take part in an integrative project will give him the chance to learn more about life, thoughts and skills of our youngsters. We think the volunteer will benefit from their views of life.

Volunteer profiles and recruitment process
We are searching for young motivated, responsible and friendly people who are interested in working and living with mental-handicapped people and who would like to participate in integrative and culturel projects.
Because of the neighborhood to Germany, most of the handicapped people and staff members understand and speak luxemburgish and german language. For this reason a basic knowledge of the german language would be an advantage.

3-5 volunteers could be hosted and supervised at the same time.

Risk prevention, safety and protection
The Institute St. Joseph together with the project partners takes responsibility for raising awareness of risk assessment, risk prevention and high quality support within the EVS programme, both in Luxembourg and in networking with the partners abroad.
The volunteer will be given advice on crisis prevention and management since the very beginning of the activity-period. The volunteer will also be provided with 24 hour emergency phone numbers. The Institute St. Joseph will hold all necessary personal information and emergency contact details for the volunteer.
A mentor (staff member of the institution but not of the living group) is responsible for personal support and facilitates integration into the local community. The volunteer can also turn to the mentor in case of problems. A first meeting with the mentor will take place at the very beginning of the activity with the aim to discuss the learning process. Regular contact and meetings will follow. The mentor also has an important role in discussing the learning achievements with the volunteer at the end of the activity in view of the Youthpass-achievement report.
Motivation and EVS experience
We are looking for young motivated people who could imagine to work with mentally disabled young people to shape their environment and their leisure time and to accompany them in everyday life. For this we need an openness in dealing with various disabilities, a friendly nature and the willingness to handle problematic situations that may arise in everyday life regarding disabilities or behavioral problems.
To help the volunteer get used to be part of the institution, we have chosen the fixed annexation to an existing living group. There he or she is involved in the group with its daily life, has permanent contact to the full-time staff and may does experiences with many forms of assistance. At the group the volunteers will always be in force as an additional service and will not work alone.
With this as a basic there are many opportunities to participate in projects of the house or to initiate own projects. First, we see the "TREFF.punkt", a meeting place for disabled people and people without handicap from inside and outside the institution. This project was started by two volunteers a few years ago and we are looking forward to a long-term continuation. There are regular opening times, currently twice a week.
In addition there are possibilities to be part of a theater group or a dancing group. Furthermore there are opportunities to take part in or create cultural or sporting events. The infrastructure of the house is very good. We have a gym and a swimming pool.
Recently a field of "animal education" is set up with its own petting zoo. There we can imagine a very good commitment for the volunteer, too.
In the living groups for children and young people there are three volunteer positions we would like to occupy again. One with links to the youth group "Laetitia", one with links to the children's group "Deckelsmouken" and one to the children's group "Madagascar". Close cooperation between these groups and the volunteers is guaranteed.

Wir suchen nach jungen motivierten Menschen, die sich vorstellen können, mit geistig behinderten Jugendlichen zu arbeiten, ihren Lebenraum und ihre Freizeit zu gestalten und sie im Alltag zu begleiten. Dazu gehört eine Offenheit im Umgang mit verschiedenen Behinderungen, ein freundliches Wesen und die Bereitschaft, sich problematischen Situationen zu stellen, die im Alltag bezüglich Behinderungen oder Verhaltensauffälligkeiten entstehen können.
Um dem Volontär das Einleben zu erleichtern, haben wir uns für die feste Angliederung an eine bestehende Wohngruppe entschieden. Dort ist er von Beginn an in den Gruppenalltag mit eingebunden, hat ständige Ansprechpartner in dem hauptamtlichen Personal und kann viele Formen von Hilfestellung erfahren. Dabei wird der Volontär immer als zusätzliche Kraft im Dienst sein und nicht alleine arbeiten.
Davon ausgehend gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, sich an Projekten des Hauses zu beteiligen oder eigene Projekte zu initiieren. An erster Stelle sehen wir den "Treffpunkt", eine Begegnungsstätte für behinderte und nichtbehinderte Menschen, die von innerhalb und ausserhalb der Einrichtung zu uns kommen. Dieses Projekt wurde von zwei Volontärinnen ins Leben gerufen und wir würden uns über eine langfristige Fortführung sehr freuen. Regelmäßige Öffnungszeiten gibt es momentan zweimal wöchentlich. Daneben besteht eine Theatergruppe, die gerne Verstärkung von Seiten der Volontäre annimmt. In der Ergotherapie besteht die Möglichkeit, am Bereich der "Basalen Stimulation", einer Entspannungs- und Fördertechnik, teilzunehmen und ein Zertifikat für eine Basisausbildung zu erwerben. Des weiteren sind den Möglichkeiten im kulturellen oder sportlichen Bereich keine Grenzen gesetzt. Die Infrastruktur des Hauses ist sehr gut, viele Räumlichkeiten, sogar Turnsaal und Schwimmhalle, stehen zur Verfügung.
Vor kurzem wurde ein Bereich "Tierpädagogik" mit eigenem Streichelzoo eingerichtet. Auch dort können wir uns ein Engagement des Volontärs sehr gut vorstellen.
Im Kinder- und Jugendbereich gibt es drei Volontärsstellen, die wir gerne wieder besetzen würden. Einmal mit Anbindung an die Jugendgruppe "Laetitia", einmal mit Anbindung an die Kindergruppe "Deckelsmouken" und an die Kindergruppe "Madagascar". Eine enge Zusammenarbeit dieser Gruppen ist gewährleistet.

Description of the organisation The Institut St. Joseph (ISJ) Betzdorf offers residential, occupational and working facilities for people with learning disabilities and / or severe multiple handicaps.
Respecting the Christian tradition of the institution and its residents, a multi professional team is facing the varying social challenges by modern special educational and / or therapeutic approaches.
Today, more than 100 residents, including children, adults and elderly, live in the ISJ Betzdorf in family like, residential units from 8 to 10 persons. Two of these 14 residential units are located in external communities, one in Esch s/Alzette, one in Niederanven.
Self-determination and normalization are major goals of the ISJ Betzdorf. Assisted by the staff and according to individual possibilities, the residents take part in every day life.

A day center [which includes special working structures (soap production, recycling team, cleaning and laundry services, cooking and catering services), the therapeutic and creative atelier, musical therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, residential day groups] provides occupational and work facilities for the residents and offers a great variety of activities meeting the special needs of both residents or external attendants.
Together with the "Réimecher Heem" in Remich, the ISJ Betzdorf is part of the Yolande a.s.b.l., a provider of social facilities for people with learning disabilities and / or multiple handicap within the CSSE.
In 2007 the EVS volunteers rearranged the former lunchroom into a meeting place for inhabitants, staff members and friends of the institution. Now it's called "Unser TREFF.punkt" or in luxemburgish "Eisen TREFF.punkt" and is used for playing, relaxing, reading, cinema, party, disco or creative activities. The future volunteers are asked to carry on this project and to assure regular opening hours.
We are very motivated to let our children and youngsters meet youngsters from other European countries, with different language and different culture. It's a great chance to learn more about Europe and the nations of this continent.

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