24 Mart 2016 Perşembe


Yayın tarihi : 24.03.2016
Son başvuru tarihi: 15.04.2016

Başlangıç tarihi : 1 Ekim 2016
Süre : 11-12 ay

Proje hakkında ayrıntılı bilgiyi aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.


Ev sahibi kuruluş 24.04.2016 son başvuru tarihinde Almanya Ulusal Ajansı’na başvuracak olduğundan gönüllüsünü en geç 20 Mart 2016’ya kadar seçmek istemektedir.  UA’ın yanıtı en erken 15 Haziran 2016’da alınacaktır.


Bu projeye başvurmak isteyenler en geç 15.04.2016 ‘ya kadar  özgeçmiş, projenin başvuru belgesi (GENÇTUR’dan isteyiniz)  ve GENÇTUR’dan alınmış Gönderen Kuruluş destek belgesini Ines Berge’ye ild.bonn@ijgd.de yollamaları gerekmektedir.

Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste, EVS hosting


EVS - European voluntary service in Germany

Projects accepted by the European Union


name of the projects
number of volunteers

Youth in Difficulties

Westfälisches Kinderdorf
(PIC: 943335477),
Jugendsiedlung Heidehaus
(PIC: 930371621)
Odilia e.V.
(PIC: 939267782)
Halle/ Westfalen

Culture & Community Development

Intercultural meeting point: Café International
(PIC: 943154572)


 Projelerin ayrıntıları için aşağıdaki tanımlara bakınız.

 Kinderdorf „Lipperland“, Barntrup

The “Westfälisches Kinderdorf” is a place for children and young people who are not able to live in their family of origin any longer. In 3 houses a host mother and a host father live together with a group of children (around 6 children) and care for them. One of the host parents is pedagogically educated. In ten other house social-workers and trainers also care about a group of youngsters. The youngsters are all within the age from 13 to 18. In one of the house young single mothers get support for themselves and their little kids.

There is also a special school which is called “coole Schule”. A small group of children is visiting it. In another house there is a kindergarden for children with special needs. And in the town of Barntrup there is also a house for young adults, who don’t live any longer with their families, but do need special support in daily live, because of different disabilities.



The volunteer participates in the pedagogical and housekeeping daily’s activities.
For example:

·      The volunteer supports the children to do their homework

·      The volunteer organizes leisure time activities for groups of children, where the volunteer does not have any boundaries in his/her creativity

·      The volunteer accompanies the children in their everyday-life, for example going shopping, in sportive activities, cultural events in school etc.

·      The volunteer helps doing housekeeping


The volunteers will be accommodated in a separate flat in the middle of the small town Barntrup. The volunteers share a fully furnished flat with other volunteers. They all share a kitchen and a bathroom, but have a single-bedroom for themselves.


Jugendsiedlung Heidehaus



The Youth Community Heidehaus (Jugendsiedlung Heidehaus) is a place, where around 70 disadvantaged young people get educated and trained. Heidehaus is a small community close to the little town Augustdorf. In eight groups social-workers and trainers care about the youngsters (who are 13 to 21 years old).

The intensity of the support depends on the individual needs of the young people. Some of them need nearly a one to one caring situation and others less. The younger ones still go to a small school, which located  within the community. The Youth Community Heidehaus also offers different job trainings (painter, bricklayer, gardener, cook, carpenter, housekeeper, office clerk) to the youngsters living at Heidehaus, who are around 16 years old. The main idea of the project Jugendsiedlung Heidehaus is to support young people to develop the ability to live independently, self-organized and to become an active part of the society they live in.





EVS volunteers get the chance to support the youngsters and get the possibility to deliver insight into their culture and their individual backgrounds. The volunteers are involved in daily life activities of the youth living at Heidehaus. They support the children and youth in daily life activities, such as preparing and having meals, keeping the house clean, washing clothes, doing homework, following up leisure activities etc.





The volunteers share a little house at the Heidehaus community. It is completely furnished, kitchen and bathroom are used by both volunteers and each volunteer has a separate single-bedroom.


Odilia e.V.




ODILIA  e.V. is a charitable society, whose task is to encourage and provide a second home for children, youth and young adults who suffer from a mental or psychological disablement. The principles of their work are based on the anthroposophic remedial teachings of Rudolf Steiner. They accompany and encourage these young people during their school and further education. The main idea is to assist them to organize their lives as independent as possible. Therefore leisure activities, anthroposophic  treatments and therapeutic stages are support the development of the youngsters. Important elements in their work are a rhythmic day, a rhythmic week and annual routines. In this routine the celebration of

religious events has an important impact.

Since more than 10 years the European volunteers are an important role within the team of the Laibach Hof. The Laibach-Hof is an old farmhouse with its origins in the 16th century located close to the town of Halle in Westphalia. The property is situated in attractive natural surroundings and offers lots of space. The Laibach-Hof is in Halle-Bokel. This part of town is a small farming community and about 4 km far away from Halle-Center. Bus connections are infrequent. There is a good rail connection from Halle to Bielefeld (university, industry, leisure facilities).



The volunteers  are working in one of the little communities. They accompany the children and young people throughout the day. They are helping according to the requirements of the child or the youngster. Some of them need a constant assistant during the day. The others will only need help in specific situations. This help can include various tasks, for example helping to get up in the morning, personal hygiene, cooking of meals or helping during the meal with eating. An important field of work will also be organizing creatively the leisure time activities. There are different activities to experience together: Hiking in the nature, shopping in town, celebration of festivities, the visit of cultural events and much more.


The volunteers are accommodated
on the Laibach Hof  in a separate and furnished room within a shared flat, with other volunteers. They share kitchen and bathroom.


The volunteer should above all be open to working with young, disabled people.
Driving licence is helpful (but no necessary).

Interculturel meeting point:

Café International





The protestant parish of Düren („Evangelische Gemeinde zu Düren“) is a corporate body of the civil rights and the biggest protestant parish in Germany. It has about 30.000 members from the Düren district in a rather catholic region. The community is on top of other tasks also in charge of the “Café International”
a meeting point for refugees who live in and close to Düren. The Café International is coordinated by a full-time worker social worker. The Café welcomes the refugees just to meet and to exchange at the Café. They also get advices for the procedure to seek for asylum if they need information regarding this topic. The kids are supported doing their homework for school. The staff-members of the Café are honorary workers and trainees.





The volunteer is thought to get in touch to the visitors of the Café. He/She should support the visitors at the meeting point like helping with application forms etc.

At one afternoon in the week a special offer for women takes place, where the volunteer helps to look after the children. The volunteer has the possibility to get an insight into several fields of social work. In the Café the volunteer will work together with a social worker and other volunteers.





The volunteer is accommodated in an apartment, which is shared with another volunteer (separate and furnished room) and food is provided.





-       all projects start in September/ October and last at least for 11 months

-       all volunteers have a welcome seminar, a seminar about Europe and a farewell seminar in the end of the service on top of the seminars from the National agency

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