30 Mayıs 2016 Pazartesi


Yayın tarihi : 30.05.2016
Son başvuru tarihi: 15.06.2016

GENÇTUR’un proje ortağı olduğu 2 ayrı kısa dönem AGH projesi için gönüllüler aranıyor. Her 2 proje de aynı tarihlerde başlayacak ve Sicilya Adası’nda birbirine yakın yerlerde olacağından 2 arkadaş birlikte gitmek isteyenler için bulunmaz bir fırsat.

Başlangıç tarihi : 4 Ağustos 2016
Süre : 1 ay

Proje hakkında bilgiyi aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.

Bu projeye başvurmak isteyenler en geç 15.06.2016 ‘ya kadar  http://genctur.org/evs-ahg/doldurulacak-belgeler/ 'deki başvuru belgesi, özgeçmiş ve projeye yönelik olarak yazılmış motivasyon mektubunu zafer.yilmaz@genctur.com ‘a yollamalıdır. Uygun adaylar bulunduğunda son başvuru tarihinden önce kayıtlar kapanabilir.

EVS in InformaGiovani

A1: 1 volunteer from 04/08 to 05/09/2016


After a first training and introductory period, the activity will mainly be implemented in a Natural reserve located in a small island close to Palermo (Isola delle Femmine). Volunteers will be involved in all the activities related to the management of the natural reserve, such as planting new plants, first aid for blessed birds, moving the rabbit’s population.


In a small house in the village Isola delle Femmine (not on the island). Volunteers will stay in a 6-bed room equipped with bunk beds.


Volunteer should be open-minded, sociable, willing to work out-door on the island.

Digital literate (update project blog, InformaGiovani  FB page…). Able to communicate in English.

Requirement: able to swim.

A2: 1 volunteer from 04/08 to 05/09/2016


During summer, InformaGiovani will organise environmental awareness activities for kids and workshop about recycling, promotion of international mobility and volunteering. EVS short-term will work together with EVS long term (already arrived in Palermo) and will support the organization and management of these activities, and will contribute with their own ideas.


Accommodation in shared flat with other volunteers, in Palermo city centre.

Double room for volunteers plus common living room.

House is equipped with all needed.


Volunteer should be creative, interested in environmental issues, digital literate (update project blog, IG FB page…). Able to communicate in English (and/or Italian).

FINANCIAL CONDITIONS (for both activities)

Travel costs: covered up to euro 275

Individual support (pocket money): euro 132,00

Visa: covered up to euro 250,00.


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