5 Ocak 2016 Salı


Yayın tarihi : 05.01.2016
Son başvuru tarihi: 11.01.2016
Başlangıç tarihi :  01 Temmuz 2016
Süre : 1 yıl

GENÇTUR gibi uluslararası gönüllü çalışma kampları düzenleyen YOUTH SMILE isimli Letonya kuruluşu, gençlere gönüllü çalışmaları tanıtacak bir AGH gönüllüsü aramaktadır. Aday gönüllülerde herhangi bir özellik aranmayıp, istekli ve yaratıcı olması yeterli görülmektedir.

Bu projeye başvurmak isteyenler en geç 11.01.2016 ‘ya kadar  özgeçmiş,  projeye yönelik yazılmış bir motivasyon mektubu ve GENÇTUR’dan alınmış Gönderen Kuruluş destek belgesini Renārs Manuilovs renars.manuilovs@jaunatnesmaidam.lv  y‘e yollamaları gerekmektedir.

Call for EVS volunteers!!!

“Jaunatne smaidam / Youth for Smile” is non-governmental non-profit youth organization and its main aim is unite children’s and youth to promote their participation in non-formal education, in order to develop far and wide skills and abilities active take part within social processes in local, national and international level.
Who are we looking for? We do not have any specific criteria for our volunteers. However, the project is focused on working with youth. We would be interested to host the volunteer with some communication skills and interests in topic we are working with - volunteering, participation, leisure time of youth, information, workcamps etc. It would be helpful if the volunteer are communicative, open minded, creative, flexible, independent and would be motivated in working with youth and for youth. We would be happy if the volunteer will be interested in Latvia, its people and culture and wish to learn Latvian language.
The volunteer will develop her program mainly in the office of the organization, with the supervision and follow up of a responsible person.
Objectives of the proposed EVS project:
·         To involve a European volunteer in the promotion of international voluntary service as a practice of active citizenship, intercultural education and personal and social growth in the local community;
·         To give the volunteer the chance of active participation  in the implementation and development of a specific project, which constitutes an opportunity of individual development;
The volunteer will have a mentor who will be helping him/her in the learning process.
Volunteer will be involved in the following activities:
1.      Taking part on the preparation and realization of our activities which are mostly based on organizing leisure time activities for young people – trainings, outdoor activities, and daily youth center activities etc.
2.      Becoming the co-leader on the workcamps in Latvia.
3.      Promoting EVS and international voluntary work for youth.

4.      Administrative work in office (public and international relations).

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