20 Mayıs 2011 Cuma

POLONYA 2011 - 05


We are happy to announce that the Centre for Youth Initiatives Horizons is looking for volunteers for the project (2007-PL-67) “Łazarz venture – let’s bring intercultural dimension to Łazarz youth community through EVS”

DATES: October 2011 – June 2012

ACTIVITY: The project will take place in Łazarz area - one of the central districts of Poznan (Poland), where the office of the organization Centre for Youth Initiatives Horyzonty is located. The Centre for Youth Initiatives Horyzonty is very highly involved in the district's local life, especially in terms of the youth work. In cooperation with local Cultural Community Centre (Klub Krag) and two local primary schools we will provide interesting activities for children and youngsters in the neighborhood.

The regular activities of the volunteers will be:
1. The animation activities for children and youth in our neighborhood in cooperation with the Cultural Community Centre and schools. Five days a week the volunteers will organize workshops for the children and youth in local schools and Cultural Community Centre - the type of activity will be based on volunteers' interests and skills (outdoor activities, linguistic activities, dance, multimedia, European club etc.) Everything depends on one's creativity, skills and interests. The children and youth (10-18 years old) come from different social background, mainly we would like to involve young people who have economical or educational problems, who are considered as the youth with fewer opportunities.
2. In 2009 CIM Horyzonty together with a group of teenagers created a Youth Club which was meeting regularly. The EVS volunteers would also support this group.
3. The volunteers will support Horyzonty members in organizing short-term projects (local and international), they will have opportunity to decide in what concrete action they would like to be involved. For example weekend or summer projects for the children and youth from the orphanage in Bnin (near Poznań).
4. The volunteers will be asked to get involved in EVS promotional activities in the schools and universities.

The volunteers will be offered:
- Accommodation,food, local transport monthly ticket, insurance, pocket money, materials for workshops;
- trainings and coaching support by Horyzonty member experienced in youth work, concerning the skills how to facilitate workshops, methodology, certain skills in cultural animation, knowledge how to organize youth projects as exchanges, training, workcamps;
- mentor support, who will help them in term of living in Poznań (providing the opportunities to get to know the culture);
- linguistic support (Polish classes once a week).

We are looking for 2 volunteers willing to work with young people to develop activities in the field of cultural animation, intercultural education. An experience in culture animation (for example music skills, art, theatre, media) and project management will be appreciated. The volunteer should be able to communicate in English.
We are open to work with volunteers with fewer opportunities, especially those disadvantaged because of social, economic or geographic reasons.

We are waiting for the CV and motivation letter until Sunday 22.05. 2011 to be sent to: evs.horyzonty@gmail.com Please remember to attach the information about the sending organization (name, adress, contact person, EVS reference number).

Paylaşımından ötürü ECE ÇAĞLA ŞEN arkadaşımıza teşekkürler.

19 Mayıs 2011 Perşembe


GENÇTUR tarafından Almanya’nın başkenti Berlin’e düzenlenecek olan kültürel geziyle ilgili ayrıntılı bilgileri aşağıda bulabilirsiniz. Son başvuru tarihi 27 Mayıs 2011 Cuma saat 14.00’e kadardır. Başvurularınızı zafer.yilmaz@genctur.com adresine yollamalısınız.


Ayrıntılarını aşağıda bulacağınız kültürel geziye katılmak istiyorsanız aşağıdaki başvuru belgesini doldurarak en geç 27 Mayıs 2011 Cuma saat 14.00’e kadar zafer.yilmaz@genctur.com adresine yollamalısınız.

Yer: Almanya - Berlin
Tarih: 10-19 Ağustos 2011
Konu : Almanya’daki Türkiye
Amaç: Almanya’yı , Alman kültürünü ve yaşam tarzını, Almanya’da yaşayan Türklerin bugünkü durumlarını incelemek, bilgi edinmek ve Türk kültürünü tanıtmak.
DİKKAT: Bu bir turistik gezi, alış veriş turu ya da eğlenme amaçlı bir gezi değildir. Katılımcılar başvuru sırasına göre değerlendirilecek ve gezinin amacına uygun olanlar seçilecektir.
Katılımcı yaş grubu ve sayısı : 18-25 yaşları arasında toplam 12 kişi. Aynı yaş grubunda ve sayıda Alman katılımcılar da olacaktır.
Konaklama : Berlin’in Spandau bölgesi’ndeki bir gençlik hostelinde 6 kişilik odalarda olacaktır.
Yemekler : Gezi boyunca kahvaltı, kumanya şeklinde öğlen yemeği ve akşam yemeği verilecektir.
Gezi İzlencesi : Gezi kapsamında Berlin’in turistik ve tarihi yerlerinin yanı sıra, okul, Türk dernekleri, 1 cami, 1 kilise, müzeler, Türkçe yayın yapan Metropol FM, tren istasyonu, Türk Mahallesi bulunmaktadır.

Kayıt ücreti: 260 Euro (Konaklama, yemekler ve Berlin içindeki ulaşım dahil.)
Vize : 80 Euro (Yeşil pasaportu olanlar ödemeyecektir.)
Seyahat sigortası: 15 Euro
Yol gideri : Katılımcılar seçildikten sonra belirlenecektir. Uygun bir uçuş bulunması ve erken bilet alınması durumunda gidiş dönüş 80 Euro’ya kadar düşebilir. Ancak gezi ağustos ayında yapılacağından ve bu tarihlerdeki uçuşlar şimdiden dolmaya başladığından bilet gideri 450 Euro’ya kadar da çıkabilir. Bu nedenle hesabınızı 450 Euro üzerinden yapmanızı öneririz. Tüm grup aynı uçakta gidecektir.
Toplam gider : 260 Euro + Vize + Seyahat Sigortası + Uçak bileti

Adı Soyadı :
Doğum Tarihi ve Yeri :
Cinsiyeti :
Pasaport Türü ve No:
Yoksa ve seçilmeniz durumunda hemen çıkartabilecekseniz belirtiniz.
Adres: (Posta Kodu’nu mutlaka yazınız) :
Ev ve cep telefonları :
Bildiğiniz diller ve düzeyi:
Almanca : İngilizce:
Neden bu geziye katılmak istiyorsunuz? Türk kültürünü tanıtmak için ne gibi katkılarınız olabilir?
Yetenekleriniz? (Müzik, resim, drama, fotoğraf, vb.)
Daha önceki yurt dışı deneyimleriniz? (Kamp, gezi, eğitim, dil kursu, akraba ziyareti, vb.)

18 Mayıs 2011 Çarşamba

POLONYA 2011 - 04


Polonya Krakow’da çocuklarla çocuk yuvasında gönüllü olmak istiyorsanız son başvuru 22 Mayıs’a kadar.

Contact person: Sebastian Kaletka
Organisation: STRIM Association
Location: Krakow, Poland
Deadline: 22/05/2011
Start : 01/10/2011
End : 30/06/2012

We have a vacancy in the project with EI-Ref: 2011-PL-3.
The description of the project you will find in the database (http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/hei_en.cfm)

The project will take place in one of Krakow's kindergartens and is connected with work with children.
It will start on the 1st of October 2011 and will finish on 30th of June 2012.

Please send the CV and attached application form to Sebastian Kaletka, email addres: kaletka@strim.org.pl

İSPANYA 2011 - 03


Dear partners

I send you information about our projects that have some vacancies still, next deadline 1st. June.

If you have some volunteer interested, please you should send CV & letter motivation DIRECTLY to the host organisations.

The projects are:

Reference: 2010-ES-47 - 3 vacancies. The project will start : 8th October 2011

The volunteers will participate in some of these activities: Social activities in Residence for elderly peple or Youth activities in Youth Centre and Youth Information or Cultural activities ( Saint Jame’s Way )

Organisation: Ayuntamiento ( Village Council) of Frómista ; ( Department of Palencia)

e-mail: casajuventud@fromista.com ; Phone: 00 34 979 810502 ;

link database English: http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/hei_form_en.cfm?EID=30001311251


Reference: 2010-ES-91 - 2 vacancies – The project will : 6th November

Organisation: Fundación San Cebrián

Project : Support in a Daily Centre for people with mental disabilities

Two Centre in two villages : Carrión de los Condes y San Cebrián de Campos ( Department of Palencia)

e-mail : anamarinaa@hotmail.com ; ANAMARINA.A@terra.es ; Phone: 00 34 979154050 ;



Reference : 2009-ES-92 - 1 vacancy – The project will start: 6th October

Organisation : Gypsy Secretariat Foundation (Department of Palencia)

Activities with gypsy community

email: celia.gabarri@gitanos.org

Phone: + 34 979 706073

link : http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fec.europa.eu%2Fyouth%2Fevs%2Faod%2Fhei_form_en.cfm%3FEID%3D30001226803&h=af1de

ALMANYA 2011 - 02


Merhaba Arkadaşlar,

Almanya’da 1 KASIM başvuru döneminde onaylanmış proje de HEMEN gidecek gönüllüler arıyorum.

Proje süresi: “UZUN DÖNEM”.
Proje Yeri: Fürstenwalde (Germany)

Ben hazırım, hemen gidiyorum diyorsanız. bahadir.ulgen@genctur.com mail adresine CV ve Motivasyon Mektubu’nuzu gönderiniz.

Proje detayları:

A. Projektumfeld/ Project environment:
Die Wohnstätte für behinderte Kinder und Jugendliche - "Haus Bethesda" liegt im begrünten Zentralgelände der Samariteranstalten. Die vorwiegend älteren Kinder und Jugendlichen leben in Gruppen zu je 8 Bewohnern, die jeweils eine Etage des Gebäudes bewohnen und von mehreren Mitarbeitern rund um die Uhr im Schichtdienst betreut werden. Die Kinder und Jugendlichen werden in diesem Haus so gefördert, dass sie ihre eigenen Möglichkeiten nutzen lernen und nicht die Behinderungen im Vordergrund stehen. Abgestimmt auf Art oder Schwere der Behinderung wird für jedes Kind ein individueller Förderplan aufgestellt.

Fürstenwalde liegt im Landkreis Oder-Spree im Land Brandenburg ca. 50 km östlich von Berlin und nahe der polnischen Grenze in einer wald- und wasserreichen Gegend. Die Stadt hat ca. 34.000 Einwohner und hat eine gute Zugverbindung nach Berlin und Frankfurt (Oder). Der Regional-express fährt 1/2 stündlich und erreicht in ca. 40 min. das Zentrum Berlins. Vielfältige Industrie-, Gewerbe- und Dienstleistungsstruktur mit einer breiten Produktpalette u.a. Reifen (Pneumant), Farben(Lacufa), Apparaturen und Anlagen der Gas-, Maß-,Steuer- und Sicherheitstechnik (RMG), Tank und Chemieanlagen und Kunststoffe. Hier sind mehr als 5.500 Menschen beschäftigt.

Fürstenwalde hat ein Schwimm- und Erlebnisbad, mehrere Bowlingbahnen, eine Tennishalle und den größten Open-air Inlineskaterpark Brandenburgs. Ganz in der Nähe liegt der Kurort Bad Saarow mit vielen Attraktionen, z.B. der Therme, dem Scharmützelsee mit vielen Wassersportmöglichkeiten, Golfplatz uvm. Vielfältige Freizeitmöglichkeiten sind auch in Fürstenwalde vorhanden, z.B. Club im Park (Konzerte, Disco) oder die Kulturfabrik (Bibliothek, Theater, Ausstellungen, Konzerte).

Die Samariteranstalten habe bisher internationale Freiwillige in einem Altenpflegeheim und einer Kindertagesstätte und im "Haus Bethesda" eingesetzt; daneben gibt es auch deutsche Freiwillige und Praktikanten.


Englisch: The residential home for disabled children and youth is located in the green central campus of the Samaritian Institute in Fürstenwalde. The mostly older children and youth live in groups of 8, each group on one floor of the building, where several carers are working in shifts. The residents are supported by them with the intention to use their abilities and not to concentrate on their disabilities. According to the situation of each of the residents an individual plan for support is set up.
The city of Fürstenwalde is located in the Oder-Spree district, in the Federal State of Brandenburg, about 50 km
east of Berlin and close to the Polish border, a touristic area of woods, rivers and lakes. The city has 32 000
inhabitants and is well connected to Berlin and FrankfurflOder by train; trains are running every half an hour and
get to the centre of Berlin within 40 min. 5 500 people are working in diverse industries such as tires, paint,
technical equipments, tank farms, chemicals and plastics.
Fürstenwalde has an indoor swimming pool, bowling alleys, tennis and other sport facilities, e. g. the largest
inline skating course in Brandenburg; more leisure time activities are e.g. in the "Klub im Park" (concert,
discothek) or the "Kulturfabrik" (socio-cultural centre) with the library, theatre, exhibitions, concerts, etc. Close to
Fürstenwalde there is the spa "Bad Saarow" with a tot of attractions like the hot springs, lake "Scharmützelsee"
with divers water sports activities, golf course, etc.
So far the Samaritian Institute had international volunteers in a home for senior citizens, a child day care centre
and in "Haus Bethesda"; there are as well German volunteers and intems.

B. Geplante Aktivitäten für die Freiwilligen/ Proposed activities for EVS volunteers:

Das Kinder- und Jugendwohnheim "Haus Bethesda" bietet den Freiwilligen je nach Interesse folgende Möglichkeiten:

- Erlernen der deutschen Sprache (Alltagssprache durch Arbeits- und Alltagssituationen sowie durch einen Sprachkurs)
- Integration in eine neue Umgebung
- Erfahrung im Umgang mit behinderten Menschen (Einfühlungsvermögen, Toleranz)
- Entwicklung von Eigeninitiative, Flexibilität
- Präsentadtion des eigenen Landes und der eigenen Kultur
- Belastbarkeit und Durchhaltevermögen
- Selbstbewusstsein und Verantwortungsbereitschaft
- Kennenlernen der christlichen Religion
- Lernen den natürlichen Umgang mit behinderten Menschen, den Kontakt zu Leuten
in Hilfebedarf und deren Akzeptanz

- Kennenlernen der Einrichtung und der vielfältigen Bereiche der Samariteranstalten
- Verständnis der Sozialarbeit in Deutschland
- Einblick in alle laufenden Tätigkeiten der pflegerischen Maßnahmen
- Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit behinderten Kindern und Jugendlichen
- Team- und Kooperationsfähigkeit
- Erfahrung in der Arbeit in religionsgebundenen Einrichtungen

Die europäischen Freiwilligen werde während ihre Arbeit von einer Tutorin in all ihren Aufgaben betreut. Sie führt die Freiwilligen in die verschiedenen Arbeitsbereiche ein und macht sie mit den 3 Wohngruppen vertraut. Danach entscheiden die Tutorin und die Freiwilligen gemeinsam in welche Gruppe die jungen Europäer eingesetzt werden. Die Freiwilligen werden entsprechend dem Dienstplan in der Wohngruppe arbeiten. Dort werden sie weiterhin von der Tutorin in ihren Tätigkeitsbereichen unterstützt. Hilfe erhalten sie auch von den hauptamtlichen Mitarbeitern der Wohngruppe. Als festes Mitglied des Teams nehmen die Freiwilligen an den Teamsitzungen teil und führen regelmäßige Gespräche mit der Tutorin.
Die Freiwilligen werden maximal 35 Stunden pro Woche arbeiten. Sie werden in einem bestimmten Rhytmus auch am Wochenende Arbeitseinsätze haben. Pro Monat stehen den Freiwilligen 2 Tage Urlaub zu, die selbstverständlich, nach Absprache mit der Tutorein, auch zusammenhängend genommen werden können.

- strukturelle Freizeitgestaltung der Bewohner (z.B. mit Teach)
- Aufbau eines strukturierten Alltages der Bewohner
- Einzelbetreuung im Alltag (eigenes Projekt möglich)
- Hilfe zur Selbständigkeit (z.B. Begleitung bei Einkäufen)
- Unterstützung einzelner Kinder und Jugendlichen in der Schule
- Vorbereitung und Mitwirkung beim Samariterfest (eigenes Projekt möglich)
- Begleitung der Feste im Kirchenjahr (Org. d. Feste) (eigenes Projekt möglich)
- Unterstützung der Bewohner bei der Dekoration von Räumen zu verschiedenen Anlässen
- Gottesdienstbesuche mit den Bewohnern
- Gestaltung von Gottesdiensten im Rahmen der Schulbesuche der Bewohner
- Vorschläge für und Organisation von Ausflügen (eigenes Projekt möglich)

All diese Tätigkeiten orientieren sich an den Interessen und Wünschen der Freiwilligen und werden regelmäßig in gemeinsamen Gesprächen mit der Tutorin hinterfragt und gegebenenfalls angepasst.

Die Unterkunft befindet sich ca. 10 Minuten Fahrt mit dem Fahrrad von der Arbeitstelle. Die Freiwilligen werden in Wohngemeinschaften mit anderen euopäischen Freiwilligen wohnen. Jeder Freiwillige erhält ein Einzelzimmer. Küche, Bad, Flur und Gemeinschaftsraum teilen sich die Freiwilligen. In der Wohnung haben die jungen Menschen die Möglichkeit, der uneingeschrenkten Nutzung des Internets, über WLAN mit ihren eigenen Laptops. Auf diesem Weg können sie Kontakt zu der Entsendeorganisation, ihren Familien und Freunden halten. Die jungen Europäer erhalten ein Fahrrad für die Zeit ihres Freiwilligendienstes. Das Taschen- und Verpflegungsgeld wird ihnen am ersten Werktag jedes Monats bar ausgezahlt. Sie haben so die Möglichkeit sich selbst zu verpflegen. Die Wohnungen verfügen über eine Waschmaschine.
Die Freiwilligen erhalten, ihren Sprachkenntnissen entsprechend, einen Sprachkurs.


The residential home for children and youth "Haus Bethesda" offers different leaming possibilities according to the interest of the volunteers:
Studying German language in the worfc environment and all day situations as well as by a language training course
Integrating into a new living environment

Experience with disabled people (empathy, tolerance)

Developing entrepreneurship and flexibility
Ability to present one's own country and culture
Ability to work under pressure and staying power
Seif-confidence and readiness to take on responsibility
Leaming to know Christian religion
Getting to know the institution with its divers divisions
Understanding social work in Germany
Insight into current fostering activities
Experience in working with disabled children and youth
Ability to cooperate and worfc in a team
Experience in working in a church-related institution

European volunteers will be supported by a tutor in all their tasks. The tutor will introduce a new volunteer to the divers working areas and the 3 groups, in which the residents are living. Then tutor and volunteer will decide on agreement, iwhich of the 3 groups the volunteer will be allocated to. Volunteers will worfc in their group according to a shift work schedule with continuing support by the tutor and other employees who are working in this group. Being members of the team they will attend regular team meetings and have meetings with their tutor.
Volunteers will work 35 hours per week max. According to the shift worfc schedule they will have to worfc on weekends from time to time with free days during the week. The volunteers are entitled to have 2 holidays per month which can - on agreement with the tutor- being combined for a longer period.
Leisure time activities with residents
Development of structures in the every day life of residents
Individual care (possibility of own project)
Supporting the autonomy of the residents (e. g. accompanying for shopping)
Preparation and cooperation for the annual festival (possibility of own project)
Preparation of religious celebrations (possibility of own project)
Supporting residents in the decoration of rooms at different occasions
Accompanying residents when visiting church services
Participation in the arrangement of church services (by a school class, e.g.)
Ideas and organising of excursions with residents(possibility of own project)

The volunteers will live in a shared flat together with other German and international volunteers, which can be reached by bicycle within 10 min. from the worfcing place. Each volunteer will have a single room, sharing kitchen, bathroom and community room with the group. There is wireless intemet access in the flats, i.e. with their own laptops they can keep contact with their sending organisation, with family and friends. To enable local mobility each volunteer may use a bicycle that is provided by the hosting organisation for the duration of the volunteer service. Pocket money and food allowance will be paid in cash at the beginning of each month, thus the volunteers can cook themselves. There is also a washing machine in the flats.
The volunteers are entitled to visit a 4 weeks language training in the beginning of the service according to the level of knowledge they have.

C. Profile der Freiwilligen und Auswahlverfahren/ Volunteer profiles and recruitment process:

Die Freiwilligen sollte aufgeschlossen, interessiert und offen sein, um mit jungen Leuten zusammenarbeiten zu können. Zuverlässigkeit und keine Berührungsängste im Umgang mit behinderten Menschen ist ein wichtiges Kriterium für die Arbeit in unserer Einrichtung. Auch wird von uns erwartet, dass Aufgaben selbstständig durchgeführt werden können. Grundkenntnisse der deutschen Sprache sind in der Arbeit mit den Kindern und Jugendlichen wünschenswert und werden als ein Hinweis auf Interesse an der deutschen Kultur gewertet. Zum Durchführen von eigenen Veranstaltungen oder bei Begleitungen wäre das Spielen von Musikinstrumenten von Vorteil, aber nicht zwingend notwendig. Wir sind grundsätzlich offen für eine Kooperation mit allen Entsendeorganisationen.

The volunteers should be broad-minded, interested and open for working with youngsters. Reliability and no reserve of dealing with disabled people is an important criteria. Furthermore the volunteer should be able to work on his tasks self-consistantly. Basic knowledge of the German language is no condition, but helpful in working with children and youth and will be considered as an expression of interest in the German culture. For planning own or contributing to other events it would be nice, if the volunteer knew how to play a musical instrument, but this is no condition as well. Basically we are open to cooperate with any sending organsation.

D. Anzahl der Freiwilligen, die aufgenommen werden können/ Number of volunteers hosted:

E. Freiwillige mit erhöhtem Förderbedarf, falls zutreffend/ Special needs (if applicable):

F. Risikoprävention, Sicherheit und Schutz/ Risk prevention, protection and safety:

Freiwillige dürfen, zu ihrem eingenen Schutz, nie alleine mit und in den Gruppen arbeiten. Sie werden regelmäßtig über das Verhalten bei unerwarteten Übergriffen informiert. Der Einsatz von Freiwilligen erfolgt außschließlich in kontrollierbaren Gruppen.

Die Freiwilligen haben sowohl bei der Arbeit (Projekttutoren) als auch außerhalb (Mentorin) immer einen Ansprechpartner für alle Probleme und Schwierigkeiten. Die Freiwilligen leben zusammen mit anderen in einer Wohngemeinschaft und können sich gegenseitig unterstützen. Sie erhalten am Anfang des Freiwilligendienstes eine Belehrung, die auch Fragen der Sicherheit und des Verhaltens in problematischen Situationen betrifft, sowie eine Mappe mit schriftlichen Hinweisen, Verhaltensregeln, Notfall-Telefonnummern, einen Freiwilligen-Ausweis mit Adressen und Telefonnummern der koordinierenden Organisation, ihre Versicherungskarte, etc.
Die Freiwilligen werden während der Einarbeitung am Arbeitsplatz auf mögliche Gefahren aufmerksam gemacht und in die Art des Umganges mit ihnen eingeführt. Die Freiwilligen arbeiten bei der Betreuung von behinderten Menschen, von denen auf Grund ihrer Behinderung (unkontrollierte Bewegungen, z.B. der Arme und Beine) eine Gefahr ausgehen könnte, immer gemeinsam mit hauptamtlichen Mitarbeitern.

Volunteers for their own safety must not work alone with groups of disabled young people, but always under surpervision and with the support of qualified staff. They regularly will be informed how to deal with unexprected infringements.
In the working place by the project tutor and outside by the mentor the volunteers always have a contact person in case of any problems or difficulties. They live together with other volunteers in a shared flat and may support each other as well. In the beginning of their voluntary service they get instructions, that cover safety issues and how to behave in difficult situations, as well as a folder with wirtten hints, rules of behaviour, emergency phone numbers, a volunteers ID card with adresses and phone numbers of the coodinating organisation, their insurance card, etc.
While introducing them to their working place the volunteers will receive information about possible dangers and how to deal with any problematic situation. If the volunteers will work with people who by uncontrolled movements and other issues based on their disabilities might be dangerous, they are always working together with qualified staff.

Motivation and EVS experience
Motivation und EFD-Erfahrungen: / Motivation and EVS experience:

Das Kinder- und Jugendwohnheim "Haus Bethesda" ist eine Einrichtung für geistig und köperlich behinderte junge Menschen. Wir haben es uns zum Ziel gemacht, unsere Bewohner auf ein weitestgehend selbständiges Leben vorzubereiten. Als Aufnahmeorganisation im EFD haben wir gute Erfahrungen in der Arbeit mit Freiwilligen machen können. Der Europäische Freiwilligendienst gibt unseren jungen Menschen die Möglichkeit, andere Kulturen, Sprachen und Mentalitäten kennen zulernen. Sie erhalten einen Einblick in verschiedene Länder. Unsere Bewohner haben nur wenig Möglichkeiten, in andere Länder Europas zu reisen. Der EFD ermöglicht es ihnen, ein Gefühl für die kulturelle Vielfalt Europas zu bekommen.
Neben dem Erlernen der deutschen Sprache, dem Kennen lernen der Kultur und der Menschen in unserem Land ist der Europäische Freiwilligendienst auch eine gute Gelegenheit für die jungen Freiwilligen, neue berufliche Perspektiven zu finden. Im vielschichtigen Alltag unserer Einrichtung sind wir immer froh, wenn junge, motivierte Menschen Lust haben, bestimmte Aufgaben zu übernehmen und für Teilbereiche der Arbeit verantwortlich zu sein. Die Freiwilligen erhalten einen Einblick in die Arbeit mit behinderten Menschen in Deutschland. Sie lernen die Interessen der Kinder und Jugendlichen kennen.
Wir sehen den EFD aber nicht nur als Selbstfindung im beruflichen Bereichen. Er vermittelt den jungen Europäern auch die kulturelle Vielfalt Europas. Durch das Zusammenleben mit anderen europäischen Freiwilligen erleben sie die unterschiedlichsten Lebensweisen im Alltag. Das Ziel des Projetes ist es, Menschen verschiedener Kulturen einander näher zu bringen, um so das Verständnis untereinander zu fördern.
Der Europäische Freiwilligendienst ist eine Möglichkeit, dieses Ziel zu verwirklichen. Die Teilnehmer werden im Rahmen ihres Auslandsaufenthaltes Erfahrungen für ihr zukünftiges Leben sammeln, fremde Kulturen kennen lernen und zu einem besseren Verständnis zwischen diesen beitragen.


The residential home for children and youth "Haus Bethesda" is hosting mentally and physically disabled youn people. It is our aim to prepare our residents for an independent life, as far as possible. Being an EVS hosting organisation we made positive experiences with volunteers working in our home. EVS offers the opportunity to our young people to get to know different cultures, languages and mentalities. They get some insight into other countries. Our residents have only little opportunities to travel to other countries in Europe. EVS opens them the opportunity to develop a taste of the cultural diversity in Europe.

Apart from studying German language and getting to know the culture and people in our country, EVS is a good opportunity for young volunteers to find new job related perspectives. Regarding the complex workaday life we appreciate again and again, if young and motivated people like to feel responsible for certain tasks and parts of our work. Volunteers gain insight into working with disabled people in Germany. They learn to know about the interests of children and youth.

We consider EVS more than just being a way to find the right path into a job, but also a training for cultural diversity in Europe. Living together with other European volunteers they experience diverse ways of living in their every day life. It is the aim of the project to introduce people of different cultures to each other and support their mutual understanding.

EVS is an opportunity to realize this aim. Participants will gather experiences for their whole lives through this staying abroad, getting to know other cultures and thus contribute to a better understanding among those.

Description of the organisation
Beschreibung der Organisation: / Description of the organisation:

"Haus Bethesda" ist unsere Wohnstätte, in der überwiegend unsere älteren Kinder und Jugendlichen wohnen (12 - 18 jährig). Aus unserer Sicht ist die Lebensqualität eines Menschen in einem hohen Maße an seine Selbstbestimmung geknüpft. Den eigenen Weg zu finden, eigene Fähigkeiten nutzen zu lernen und sie weiter zu entwickeln - auf diesem Weg wollen wir unsere Bewohner unterstützen und fördern.
Das Kinder- und Jugendwohnheim "Haus Bethesda" befindet sich auf dem Gelände der Samariteranstalten. Die Samariteranstalten sind eine christlich-diakonische Einrichtung in Fürstenwalde. Die Diakonie ist mit der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland verbunden.
Die Samariteranstalten geben Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Behinderungen in jedem Alter sowie altgewordenen Menschen seit 1892 ein Zuhause. Insgesamt kümmern sich ca. 550 Mitarbeitern um das Wohl der Bewohner der Samariteranstalten.


Haus Bethesda" is a residential home, where mostly older children and youth (age 12-18) are living. From our perspective the quality of life is tied to a high amount of self-determination: to find their own ways, to use and develop their own abilities - on this path we want to support our residents.
" The residential home "Haus Bethesda" is belonging to the campus of the Samaritian Institute; this institute is part of Diaconia, the protestant (christian) relief organisation in Germany.
Since 1892 the Samaritian Institute gives home to people of all ages with disabilities and to senior citizens. All in all there are about 550 people working in this institute and take care of the residents.

İSPANYA 2011 - 02


Dear partners

I send you information about our projects that have some vacancies still, next deadline 1st. June.

If you have some volunteer interested, please you should send CV & letter motivation DIRECTLY to the host organisations.

The projects are:

Reference: 2010-ES-47 - 3 vacancies. The project will start : 8th October 2011

The volunteers will participate in some of these activities: Social activities in Residence for elderly peple or Youth activities in Youth Centre and Youth Information or Cultural activities ( Saint Jame’s Way )

Organisation: Ayuntamiento ( Village Council) of Frómista ; ( Department of Palencia)

e-mail: casajuventud@fromista.com ; Phone: 00 34 979 810502 ;

link database English: http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/hei_form_en.cfm?EID=30001311251

Reference: 2010-ES-91 - 2 vacancies – The project will : 6th November

Organisation: Fundación San Cebrián

Project : Support in a Daily Centre for people with mental disabilities

Two Centre in two villages : Carrión de los Condes y San Cebrián de Campos ( Department of Palencia)

e-mail : anamarinaa@hotmail.com ; ANAMARINA.A@terra.es ; Phone: 00 34 979154050 ;



Reference : 2009-ES-92 - 1 vacancy – The project will start: 6th October

Organisation : Gypsy Secretariat Foundation (Department of Palencia)

Activities with gypsy community

email: celia.gabarri@gitanos.org

Phone: + 34 979 706073

link : http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fec.europa.eu%2Fyouth%2Fevs%2Faod%2Fhei_form_en.cfm%3FEID%3D30001226803&h=af1de

LETONYA 2011 - 03


Letonya’nın başkenti Riga’da gerçekleştirilecek olan bu AGH projesinde yer almak istiyorsanız 26 Mayıs 2011 tarihine kadar başvurularınızı yapınız.

Contact person: Lauma
Organisation: Youth against AIDS
Location: Riga, Latvia
Deadline: 26/05/2011
Start: 05/09/2011
End: 05/09/2012

The main goal of the project is to integrate people from different social background and encourage society for intercultural dialogue, through involving young people in non-formal and social activities.

The volunteer will work in organization “Youth Against AIDS”, participating and organizing wide range of activities: an exhibition about discrimination, World AIDS Day activities, workshops in orphanage houses and youth centers, project management, and non formal activities, sharing experiences and developing one’s personality.

* Assist in the development of new project proposals on non-formal education, social exclusion, HIV/AIDS and in particular in the analysis of the EU funding opportunities (15% of work time); * Organize cultural events such as exhibitions and concerts for youth public (for example, health week and others) (approx. 15% of work time); * Organize and lead non-formal education activities for youth in schools and orphanage houses (50% of work time); * Assist on administrative issues linked to "Youth against AIDS" such as: public relations, project management, financial management, networking and partnership building, etc (20% of work time).

Motivation letter and CV send E mail evs@jpa.lv

POLONYA 2011 - 03

Polonya’a aşağıda detayları yer alan proje de yer almak istiyorsanın 22 Mayıs 2011 tarihine kadar aşağıda yer alan mail adresine başvurunuzu yapınız…

Contact person : Lenczewska
Coordinating organisation: Centrum Inicjatyw Młodzieżowych Horyzonty
Host: Centrum Inicjatyw Młodzieżowych Horyzonty: http://www.cim-horyzonty.org
Location: Poznań, Poland
Deadline: 22/05/2011
Start: 01/10/2011
End: 30/06/2012

We are happy to announce that the Centre for Youth Initiatives Horizons is looking for volunteers for the project (2007-PL-67) “Łazarz venture – let’s bring intercultural dimension to Łazarz youth community through EVS”

DATES: October 2011 – June 2012

ACTIVITY: The project will take place in Łazarz area - one of the central districts of Poznan (Poland), where the office of the organization Centre for Youth Initiatives Horyzonty is located. The Centre for Youth Initiatives Horyzonty is very highly involved in the district's local life, especially in terms of the youth work. In cooperation with local Cultural Community Centre (Klub Krag) and two local primary schools we will provide interesting activities for children and youngsters in the neighborhood.

The volunteers will be offered:
- Accommodation,food, local transport monthly ticket, insurance, pocket money, materials for workshops;
- trainings and coaching support by Horyzonty member experienced in youth work, concerning the skills how to facilitate workshops, methodology, certain skills in cultural animation, knowledge how to organize youth projects as exchanges, training, workcamps;
- mentor support, who will help them in term of living in Poznań (providing the opportunities to get to know the culture);
- linguistic support (Polish classes once a week).

Tasks The regular activities of the volunteers will be: 1.The animation activities for children and youth in our neighborhood in cooperation with the Cultural Community Centre and schools. Five days a week the volunteers will organize workshops for the children and youth in local schools and Cultural Community Centre - the type of activity will be based on volunteers' interests and skills (outdoor activities, linguistic activities, dance, multimedia, European club etc.) Everything depends on one's creativity, skills and interests. The children and youth (10-18 years old) come from different social background, mainly we would like to involve young people who have economical or educational problems, who are considered as the youth with fewer opportunities. 2. In 2009 CIM Horyzonty together with a group of teenagers created a Youth Club which was meeting regularly. The EVS volunteers would also support this group. 3. The volunteers will support Horyzonty members in organizing short-term projects (local and international), they will have opportunity to decide in what concrete action they would like to be involved. For example weekend or summer projects for the children and youth from the orphanage in Bnin (near Poznań). 4.The volunteers will be asked to get involved in EVS promotional activities in the schools and universities.

PROFILE OF THE VOLUNTEERS: We are looking for 2 volunteers willing to work with young people to develop activities in the field of cultural animation, intercultural education. An experience in culture animation (for example music skills, art, theatre, media) and project management will be appreciated. The volunteer should be able to communicate in English. We are open to work with volunteers with fewer opportunities, especially those disadvantaged because of social, economic or geographic reasons.


VOLUNTEERS' SELECTION PROCEDURE: We are waiting for the CV and motivation letter until Sunday 22.05. 2011 to be sent to:


Please remember to attach the information about the sending organization (name, adress, contact person, EVS reference number).

17 Mayıs 2011 Salı

YUNANİSTAN 2011 - 01


GENÇTUR’un ortaklarından olan Yunanistan’da bir AGH projesinde yer almak istiyorsanız 20 Mayıs’a kadar başvuru yapınız. Proje detaylarına uygun Motivasyon Mektubu ve CV ile birlikte.

Bol Şans!

Dear partners,

Service Civil International SCI-Hellas is going to apply for a long-term plan of EVS at the Executive Agency EACEA on June 1st 2011.

We are looking for partners interested in sending EVS volunteers for the long-term project 2010-GR-18. These partner organizations should be preferably active in the field of disability and outdoor activities.

Feel free to forward this information to your contacts. Please note that we are looking for partner organizations from Programme countries, Neighbouring partner countries and Other partner countries of the world.

Best regards

Giovanna Pignatti
EVS coordinator
Service Civil International Hellas
Kiafas 9, Athens 10678
tel: +30.210.3823635
fax: +30.210.3823636


At this first step we don´t necessarily need to identify the volunteers. If you are:
- an accredited sending organization that is interested in applying OR
- an organization that may have some interested volunteers but is not accredited as sending organization,
please contact us (Giovanna Pignatti) within May 20th at evs@sci.gr by sending:
- a brief description of your organization AND
- in case you already have interested volunteers, CV and the attached application form filled in by the volunteer.

Profile of partner organizations:
- From any country (Programme, Neighbouring or Other countries of the world), that is eligible to participate in a Youth in Action programme.
- Active in the field of disability + sports and outdoor activities.
- Possibly interested in Therapeutic Riding (in the context of future plans or current activities).
- Willing to start a cooperation with the Therapeutic Riding Association of Greece in sending/hosting/training volunteers.
- Willing to dedicate time and effort to the preparation of EVS volunteers prior to their departure for the hosting project and upon their return (if necessary, in collaboration with more a experienced sending organization in the same country, identified by SCI-Hellas).

Profile of volunteers:
- Already involved in past or present activities of the organization.
- With some previous experience or specific interest in the field of disability and therapeutic riding.
- Not afraid of animals.
- Not have allergies relevant to animals, dust and pollen.

Project description
Project title: Therapeutic riding for disabled people
EI code: 2010-GR-18
Hosting organization: Therapeutic Riding Association of Greece
Coordinating organization: SCI-Hellas
Place: Athens, Greece

Service 1 Service 2
Service starts 01/01/2012 01/09/2012
Service ends 30/06/2012 30/06/2013
Nº volunteers 4 4
Duration (months) 6 10

The hosting organization and the venue
The project will take place at the Therapeutic Riding Association of Greece (TRAG) which is situated in Athens, near Katexaki metro station and about 20 minutes far from the center of Athens. The organization was established in 1992 as a non-profit, volunteers' organisation and it is recognised as sports organisation too. The everyday work is run by employees and Greek volunteers who are experts in fields related to the therapeutic riding. TRAG started hosting EVS few years ago, and wishes now to develop further on its EVS activity by providing a precious learning opportunity to volunteers who are seriously interested in learning about therapeutic riding for specific reasons.
The infrastructure of the association includes stables for the horses, training court, room for educational and leisure activities, a big yard, the administration office and a provisional residence for guests.

The role of the volunteers
Therapeutic riding is an alternative rehabilitation programme, where the horse is the therapeutic medium; it improves the overall health and quality of life of the young people with physical, mental, or emotional disorders or disabilities who attend the sessions.
The EVS volunteers will be employed at the center five days a week, six hours a day.
Volunteers will be asked to develop different tasks according to the needs of TRAG and to their own learning priorities. The suggested plan of activity is as follows:

Autumn, Winter and Spring time:
- Tasks related to horses and riding lessons (preparation of the horses before and after the riding sessions; feeding and watering the horses; ropeleading of the horses; side escorts during the session; arrange the horse riding material before and after the sessions; cleaning of the center's areas);
- Tasks related to the users of the center (planning, advertising and implementing entertaining activities and games for children with or without disability, whose parents come to the center).
- Tasks related to advertising TRAG activities (preparation of an advertising plan and its implementation).

Special events:
- Support in the organization of side events taking place at TRAG center (Christams bazaar, international meetings, local seminars, etc.).

All volunteers will receive a training at the beginning of their service to be able to implement their tasks. Further training opportunities can be organized depending on the volunteers' interests and needs. They will never implement their tasks alone but always with other local volunteers or staff, as their service is intended to be an extra help to the activities of the center, not the replacement of working hands.

Practical information
Volunteers will be hosted in a flat close to TRAG center, where they share bedroom and common places together with EVS volunteers from other projects. The coordinating organization will provide all volunteers with Greek lessons, pocket and food money and local transportation. There will be two main people who will be continuously or often in touch with the volunteers: a responsible for the tasks assigned within the service, who is already active within the hosting organization, and a mentor, who will be in charge of facilitating the learning process of the volunteers. The overall project coordinator from the coordinating organization will meet the volunteers at least once per week.

More information on the official database of EVS projects
(The information in the database may differ from what written in this mail as it is not updated)

Kiafas 9
106 78 Athens, Greece
tel: +30 210 3823635, fax: +30 210 3823636
e-mail: info@sci.gr
website: http://www.sci.gr

İTALYA 2011-04


İtalya’da ortağı olduğumuz bir proje GENÇTUR’dan 2 Türk gönüllüsünü projelerine alacak. Bu proje de yer almak istiyorsanız. CV ve projeyle ilgili Motivasyon Mektubunuzu en geç 23 Mayıs – Pazartesi gününe kadar bana gönderir misiniz?

Bahadir Ulgen

Proje Detayları:

EYES: European Youth for European Service

Participants aged between 18 and 30 years will be hosted in CISMe Organization situated in Reggio Calabria (south of Italy) for 6 months, from 1st October 2011 to 31st March 2012.

Overall aims of the project are: to promote the active citizenship, to develop solidarity and to promote tolerance among young people, to foster mutual understanding between young people of different countries.
Specifically, volunteers will be involved in the organization of events on intercultural themes or on topics of interest of youth addressed to their peers.

The first event will be realized at the beginning of November 2011 and it will be about volunteering. It will be an event realized in the framework of “2011 European Year of Volunteering” in cooperation with Europe Direct Network of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria and other local partners of the network.
Volunteers will support the promoters of the event, they will have the possibility to know better the volunteering field at European level as well to know the local context, to identify stereotypes and ideas that young people have on volunteering and above all to contribute to the event also talking about own experiences in our Countries and in Reggio Calabria during EVS.

Secondly, participants of EYES project will support CISMe staff in the planning and realization of the so called “Echoes-aperitivi”, they are informal meetings where young people meet, talk and have a comparison on a specific theme previously chosen on the basis of young people’s interest. These meetings are realized in the framework of a service managed by CISMe “Echoes project” thanks to which has been opened an Information Point that is one of the point of reference for young people of the city.
Thanks to this experience volunteers will have the possibility to have a comparison on youth problems, needs and demands in their country and in Reggio Calabria, to find point of contact and of difference, to know different youth policies, etc. It is a way to promote also the active citizenship of volunteers.

Finally, EVS volunteers will participate to the management of an event realized in the framework of “Integrated Service for Intercultural inclusion” addressed to immigrants residents in Reggio Calabria. It provides the following services: social secretariat (information on rights and duties of immigrants residents in Italy, training, work opportunities, etc); linguistic and cultural mediation, vocational guidance, etc. Will be realized an “Intercultural Day” during which thanks to the actions foreseen will be given an overview on traditions and customs of different countries. Aim of the event is to fight prejudice and racism and to promote solidarity, mutual understanding and tolerance.

The E.Y.E.S. project, thanks to the direct contact with other young people from Italy and from other European Countries and the activities foreseen, allows participants to understand the importance of active citizenship, to discover common principles and ideals, to improve knowledge of other cultures fighting stereotypes and prejudices. Furthermore, volunteers involved will follow a tailor-made path that will allow them a personal growth, developing attitudes and ability and improving skills useful also in their professional life.

It is requested motivation to realize an experience abroad, interest for youth and intercultural thematic, open-mind, active participation.

5 Mayıs 2011 Perşembe

GENÇTUR artık bir “EURODESK” Yerel Temas Noktasıdır.

Nedir Eurodesk?

Eurodesk; Gençler için eğitim ve gençlik alanlarındaki Avrupa fırsatları ve gençlerin Avrupa faaliyetlerine katılımı hakkında bilgi sağlayan Avrupa Bilgi Aktarım Ağıdır.

Tüm Program ülkelerinde kurulmuş olan Eurodesk Türkiye’de Türk Ulusal Ajansı tarafından 2008 yılında faaliyete geçirilmiştir.

Eurodesk hizmetleri şunları içerebilir:

- Ücretsiz soru yanıtlama hizmeti, e-posta ile, faks ile, telefonla, ziyaretle,

- Soru sahiplerine öneri ve yardım hizmetleri,

- Fonlarla ilgili Avrupa bilgisine internet erişimi sağlanması,

- Eğitimler düzenlenmesi ve destek hizmetleri,

- Konferanslar, seminerler ve diğer etkinliklerin düzenlenmesi,

- Kaynak materyallerin basılması ve dağıtılması,

- Gençlik Programı ile ilgili bilgilerin yaygınlaştırılması.

Avrupa’da gençlik alanında gerçekleştirilecek etkinliklerden haberdar olmak için Eurodesk Bülteni'ni aşağıdaki bağlantıdan indirebilirsiniz.

Eurodesk Mayıs 2011 Bülteni için tıklayınız


4 Mayıs 2011 Çarşamba

FRANSA 2011 - 01

FRANSA’da 1 Haziran başvuru dönemi için 2 gönüllü aranıyor…
Başvuru yaparken CV, Motivasyon Mektubu ve Gönderen Kurum Başvuru Formuyla birlikte aşağıda bulunan anket formunu da doldurup göndermelisiniz.

Questionnaire SVE

For 1st June deadline we have two EVS vacancies for two projects with disable people. One of these projects is the 2009-FR-34 that you can find on the database with the following link http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/hei_form_en.cfm?EID=14000894136

The other project in Cormontreuil, in the suburb of Reims, is on the process to be accredited and will get the reference number 2010-FR-96. Meanwhile you can have more details by reading the pdf attached.

Can you forward the information to sending organisations of your networks or to young people interested to work and learn with disable people?

Volunteers must send their CV and an "appropriate motivation letter" to us. They will also have to fill in the form attached.

Both projects will start in September and will last between 9 and 10 months.

Best regards,

Centre Régional Information Jeunesse Champagne-Ardenne
Centre d'information Europe Direct
41 rue de Talleyrand - 51100 REIMS
Tél. 33 (0)3 26 79 84 75 - Fax : 33 (0)3 26 79 84 72
skype: crij-ca

3 Mayıs 2011 Salı

Bastille Günü - Fête de la Fédération

Tarih14 Temmuz
Fransız Devrimi bir çağı kapatıp diğerini açarken evrensel literatüre “Ulus” kavramını bir daha çıkmamacasına yerleştirmiş. Bastille Günü adını 14 Temmuz 1789 tarihindeki Bastille Hapishane’si baskınından alıyor. Bu, devrimi başlatan bir kıvılcım sadece. Devrim teorik altyapısını baskından çok önce olgunlaştırmış. Bastille Hapishanesi basıldığında içinde yanlızca 7 mahkumun bulunması  monarşinin silahını atmış teslim olmaya hazır olduğunun kanıtı. Şairinde dediği gibi ;
“Ben Bastille, devrimin meydanıyım
Burada bekliyorum Fransa’nın rahminde.”
Dünya’nın her yanındaki Fransızlar 14 Temmuz günü Bastille Gün’ünde Fransız Cumhuriyeti’nin kuruluşunu kutlar.  Paris’teki kutlamalar her zaman en çarpıcı olanlardır. Eiffel Kulesi bayramın sembollerinden biri.  Fransız bayrağındaki 3 renk bayram boyunca en estetik hallerde Fransız şehirlerinin sokaklarını süsler.
Bu bayramı evrensel yapan şey tüm dünya uluslarının bağımsızlık fikirlerine ilham olmuş olan Fransız devrimidir.  Bununla beraber dünyanın farklı yerlerinde yaşayan Fransız kökenli insanlarda 14 Temmuz’da bulundukları ülkelerde uluslarının bu önemli gününü kutlar.
Özellikle bağımsızlık savaşı sırasında Fransa Kralının çok büyük desteğini gören Fransız Amerikalılar ülkelerinde bu bayramı en coşkulu biçimde kutlarlar. Amerika’nın Minneapolis, New York, Philedelphia, San Francisco, Seattle Eyaletlerinde en kalabalık kutlamalar gerçekleşir.
2.Dünya Savaşı’nda Nazilerin Fransa’yı işgali sırasında bayram kutlamaları askıya alınmış. Buna rağmen müttefik İngiltere’nin Londra şehrinde bulunan Özgür Fransız Kuvvetleri, kutlamalarını Londra sokaklarında gerçekleştirmiş. Kutlamalar özellikle 1989’da devrimin 200.yılında ve 1998 12 Temmuz’un da Fransız ulusal futbol takımının Dünya Kupası’nı kazanmasıyla dünya çapında yankı uyandıran boyutlarda gerçekleşmiştir.
Bastille Gün’ünün en önemli parçası 14 Temmuz sabahı yapılan askeri geçit törenleridir. Zaman içinde hep önemli bir güç olan Fransız Ordusu gelişmiş silahlarını sergiler bayram sabahında. Zira bu bize de yabancı olmayan bir tablo. Devletler bundan ne zaman vazgeçer bilinmez ama tarihte ki anlamlı günleri birer askeri açık pazara çevirmenin hiçbir “ulus”a faydası yok .
Paris, Bastille Gün’ünde bir başka güzel gezginler. Bastille’in rengarenk süslenmiş sokaklarında yürürken, birkaç yüzyıl geriye gidip şimdilerde Opera binası olan Bastille Hapishanesi’nin şahit olduklarını hayal edebilir, hafızanızı hoş anılarla doldurabilirsiniz.
Ertuğrul Öztekin 30.04.2011

İTALYA 2011-03

İtalyan bir ortağımız Haziran 1 döneminde 4 gönüllü alacak.
Tüm detaylar ve süreç aşağıda yer almaktadır.

Bol şans!

Not: Şuan orada olan 3 gönüllümüz bulunmaktadır.

Başvuru mail adresi: wenddi.burger@incoweb.org

Dear partner,

InCo is very glad to announce a new selection process for EVS volunteers. This time in our own city: Trento!!! (which allow us to be in a very close contact with the volunteers!). We have 4 placements open for "Civica di Trento", project which deals with elderly people. The project will be presented in the 1st June deadline to the Italian National Agency. Activities are foreseen to start on November 2011 and ends on August/September 2012.

You can read the information available regarding the host organization in the EVS database (but if you have doubts, please contact me!).

I count with your support to disseminate the opportunity! In case you have interested volunteers, please do a pre-selection and send me no more then 2 candidates, ok? It's important that the volunteers is willing to have interpersonal contact and have openess and patience with elderly people.
Previous knowledge of Italian is not mandatory, although it could support the integration. No special skills are required but initiative, willingness to get in touch with people and some creativeness would be quite useful!

Trento is a small city (100.000 inhabitants) but it's the capital of the region (Trentino). It's one of the cities with the higher life quality in Italy (but it's North Italy! we are in the middle of the mountains and not in Rome or Sicily ;-) It's not a bilingual city (as Bolzano, for example).

Time is short (as always), so please let me know about your candidates until maximum the 11th May. I'll need a CV and motivation letter (the most important thing!) in which the volunteer explains:
- why s/he would like to do a EVS
- why this project
- which are the difficulties s/he think s/he will face
- what s/he expect to learn
- how s/he think s/he could contribute with the project/HO

Thanks for your collaboration and till soon ,-)


Wenddi Porto Burger

InCo - Interculturalità & Comunicazione

tel./fax: (+39) 0461 523409

Via V. Veneto, 75
38122 - Trento, Italy

Office hours:
Tuesday and Thursday
9:00-13:00 and 14:00-18:00

2 Mayıs 2011 Pazartesi

İSPANYA 2011-01

Aşağıda İspanya’da gerçekleştirilmesi planlan birkaç proje bulabilirsiniz. Proje detaylarını EI Ref numarasını kullanarak proje veri tabanında inceleyebilirsiniz.
Gerekli mail adreslerinize başvurularınızı yapınız.

Dear partners and future volunteers,

I'd like to inform you about the selection status of EVS projects coordinated by obre't'ebre in Tortosa (Catalonia, Spain), and about other possibilities we offer:

* 2010-ES-94 (former 2007-ES-140): "obre't'ebre intercultural" in obre't'ebre (6-12 months projects): We don't know yet exactly about next vacancy activities, it might be for a 10 months project beginning in october 2011. Next selection process will be between 9th and 23rd of May 2011, to apply for June deadline. I'll try to publish the project description in our website during this week. If you are interested, please send candidature to evsobretebre@gmail.com
* 2009-ES-66: "Integration through Art" in Grain Art (2 weeks-1 year projects): No vacancy until 2012. There won't be any selection process in 2011.

* 2009-ES-67: in IMACT hosting projects (Library and Youth Information Point):
- Library (9-12 months projects): Next EVS project will begin in September/October 2011, but we don't know yet the exact projects dates and activities. Next selection process will be between 9th and 23rd of May 2011, to apply for June deadline. If you are interested, please send candidature to evsbibliomd@gmail.com
- Youth Information Point (9-12 months projects): Next EVS project will begin in September/October 2011, but we don't know yet the exact projects dates and activities. Next selection process will be between 9th and 23rd of May 2011, to apply for June 2011 deadline. If you are interested, please send candidature to evspij@gmail.com
* We MIGHT create other hosting projects in Tortosa in the future, but they won't be available for 2011.
The projects description are or will be published in www.obretebre.org. We'll try to keep it updated about the selection process.
For the selection, we need :
- your curriculum vitae
- a covering letter ADAPTED to the project
- information about your sending organisation (contact details and Youth in Action Program and volunteering experience)
The vacancies are open to youngsters with fewer oportunities.
We MIGHT open some of these vacancies to candidates from outside Europe, but only from organisations with experience in Youth In Action Programme.
Note that ALL and ONLY candidatures sent to projects GMAIL address will be taken in account, you will receive an automatic answer (thanks to the new technologies, we can make the computers to work for us!), because we will not enter in these mailboxes until we begin the selection process. Don't send any candidature to obre't'ebre hotmail address because we will not read them. And there is no point in sending many emails, it won't give you more chances!
The selection process will take place between 9th and 23rd of May 2011, we will send an email to the pre-selected candidates on 23rd of May with the description of the project activities and will ask if you are available for the dates we propose.
If you don't receive any news on 25th of May, it's that you are not selected (I'd like to be able to answer to everybody, but I don't have time to send 300 emails!)

WORKCAMPS: In 2011 we host a social international workcamp from 7th till 20th of July in Tortosa, whose name is FRIENDLY PEOPLE. The project description will be published in e-vet database of international workcamps projects. If you are interested, please contact your workcamp sending organization and they will register you (inscription are about to open this week). obre't'ebre doesn't manage the inscription system itself, so please don't ask us if there are vacancies.
- For any other proposal (volunteering without any program, leonardo, grundvig, ...), please be descriptive in the subject and the body of the email. We will study every case depending on our actual situation and the time we can dedicate to the volunteer/student and to the administrative part. Take in account that we cannot pay for the transport, lodgment and food of volunteers. Please be patient because we have a lot of work and we take time to decide things, and even more time to answer to people!
We don't have any paied job placement to offer for the moment.

Best regards,
Cecile Thevenot
EVS coordinator in obre't'ebre

sveterresebre@hotmail.com - skype: obretebre
Avda. de l'estadi s/n - 43500 Tortosa - Catalonia- Spain
Telf: 00 34 977 58 05 55 - Fax: 00 34 977 50 05 46

Not: Güneş Boz’a paylaşımlarından ötürü teşekkür ederiz.